We would like to give back to the community so we are offering this free seminar to all the parents and teachers in Santa Cruz, Laguna.

The talk is about teaching the culture of honor, respect, love, care and allowing the parents and teachers to commit mistakes and errors during practise.

The morning session is on “Parenting Techniques to Raise Champions” and will cover the following topics: 1) Ladder of Inference, 2) The 5 Love Languages of Children and 3) The power of Vulnerability.

The afternoon session is on “Teaching Techniques to Groom Champions” and will tackle the following: 1) The 5 “I Messages” for Speaking Constructively and the 2) Enneagram.

Ladder of Inference

The Ladder of Inference seeks to depict our mental process of coming to conclusions and taking actions. The model asks us to understand our own basis for our conclusions. To achieve mutual learning with other parties (in this case, our children), we must describe our own bases for conclusions, and ask others (or our children) for their basis for conclusions.

The 5 Love Languages of Children

You know you love your child. But how can you make sure your child knows it? Discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands. In this activity, you’ll 1) Discover your child’s love language. 2) Assist your child in successful learning 3) Use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively 4) Build a foundation of unconditional love for your child.

The Power of Vulnerability

This describes the attitude of being invitational but at the same time challenging, avoiding negative conflict, deceptive controlling or manipulation, and even harsh behavior towards others. This functional relationship will change the paradigm on how we can improve our relationship with our children and even with other people. Be prepared to be powerfully vulnerable!

The 5 “I Messages” for Speaking Constructively

Many people are not trained how to speak constructively, specially parents to their children or adults to young people. Instead, we are taught to either indirectly share our real needs and emotions with passive language, or conversely, use an undo amount of aggression to get our way. The Five “I Messages” allow us to describe five dimensions of our experience so that we can swiftly address and resolve problems.

Please see this link to know what happened with this project: http://www.gawadpagasa.org/parenting-and-teaching-like-champions-seminar/